February Athlete of the Month

Maria Wiche

Meet our athlete of the month, Maria Wiche.

Maria started working out at Fit Crew under an unlikely scenario. Her daughters are tennis players who train at the gym, so Maria often found herself in the gym while they trained. Though she’ll tell you she was bored while waiting for her daughters, she didn’t want to workout at Fit Crew until Ray convinced her to try one class. Maria blew all of us away, as that one day turned into three months where she didn’t miss a beat or day. She went from deadlifting 95 pounds to deadlifting 135, putting up a 125 pound squat, and losing 25 pounds with the help of Andrew’s nutrition services!

Maria inspired the gym family with her work ethic, positive outlook, and her contagious personality. When Maria was nominated, Ray pointed out that while she started out as a beginner, she naturally became the person to buddy up with newer clients and help lead them through classes. Maria returned to Denmark recently and her departure has made as much of an impact on us as her presence did. We can’t wait for her to come back to Bradenton in the future and reunite with her Fit Crew family.

Congratulations, Maria!  

Tell us about yourself.

I’m originally from Denmark, specifically from a small city with the name “Give”. I’m married and have two lovely twin daughters. We have been traveling to Florida since January 16th 2017, because my two daughters are playing Tennis full time - when we are in town, we generally stay here 6 months out of the year. We are self-employed and have four hair salons and about 45 people that we employ.

I have no athletic background other than playing a little soccer when I was young, and the usual visits to the gym when necessary.


How did you get started at Fit Crew?  

I started at Fit Crew because my daughters were training with there and I needed something to do to pass the time…. I was introduced to Ray and started working out with this incredible guy. He actually promised me that he would move with us to Denmark, if I didn’t like working out at Fit Crew. When I needed to get my pounds to drop fast, I was introduced to Andrew. There has been no looking back since. These guys are just amazing!


What has been your proudest athletic moment?  

Being Athlete of the Month in Fit Crew!!!!! REALLY!


What’s your favorite exercise? Least favorite? 

I love the sled push and the rowing machine (by rowing, I mean a max. of 15 calories at a time)

I’m not too fond of the Assault Bike :)

What do you think makes Fit Crew different from other gyms that you’ve tried in the past

I have never ever been in a gym where you feel soooooo welcome as you do there. And its not just the instructors, but also everybody that work out at Fit Crew. The spirit is just awesome. I absolutely love coming to the gym.


What do you like to do when you’re not training at Fit Crew?

I love working with our company and making it better every day. I also love watching my two daughters play tennis.


Tell us a fun fact that we might not already know about you.

I did not like to stay in Florida for six month at a time (I was bored) until I started working out at Fit Crew. Now I will really be looking forward to come back to this beautiful place and meet all you guys again.