March Athletes of the Month

Kurt and Gretchen Doppelheuer

Kurt and Gretchen are two of our longest standing members at the gym. For eleven years, they’ve been consistently coming for workouts at the gym with unwavering focus, determination, and positive attitudes. Kurt and Gretchen are known for encouraging fellow athletes during workouts, even if they have never met them before. We’re proud to have them in our community.

Congratulations, Kurt and Gretchen!

Tell us about yourself.

We moved to Florida in 1998 from Maryland. Gretchen is a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company while Kurt is a concierge on LBK. Gretchen ran marathons and also competed in figure competitions previously.


How did you two meet?

We were actually high school sweethearts!

How did you get started at Fit Crew?

Once Fit Crew was launched, we were the original 4 PM class attendees on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

What has been your proudest athletic moment?

Gretchen: When I learned how to do a ring muscle up
Kurt: Completing a bar muscle up

What is your favorite and least favorite movement/lift/drill?

Gretchen: My least favorite would be a front squat, but my favorite is a hang clean
Kurt: Least favorite would be an overhead squat and my favorite is weighted push ups

What do you think makes Fit Crew different from other gyms that you’ve tried in the past?

Gretchen: The competition between all the athletes and the motivation/support everyone gives each other.
Kurt: The workouts give both a variety and intensity that no other gym provides. As well as keeping the technique and intensity at the same time.

What do you like to do when you’re not training at Fit Crew?

We spend a lot of time at the beach for “Sunday Funday”